
A beautiful angel appeared before me and threw in the air a sheaf of sparks of light that fell all around me… “Sisters, do not be discouraged, when less imagine, you will see miracles appear I cover you with this rain of energy of divine light to increase your vibrations and to encourage patience. Dear brothers and sisters, patience is a divine gift to be patient means to stop and try to If you want to get a grace, you just have to have faith and patience. Stay calm, enjoy the moment, even if it does not always seem like a good time, but in truth. I tell you that everything is perfect,every moment of your life. My sister and you my brother, do not run, but let time flow more slowly by living it intensively. Do not rush to wait for a tomorrow that may not be there no more, and you will not have lived this intense moment. I invite you to live this moment today and to be patient. You will obtain your grace. Live your day to the end and put your patience to the limit of all that is bearable, look around you and you will see many people running at the expense of patience. You live in a world that has accelerated, in forgetting to live it fully. Always take for granted the people you have close or the property you own, but you should never think so, because here nothing really belongs to you. Real life is not here, but in heavenly dimensions. Take care of your patience when leaving the race and tolerate more. Nobody is perfect on Earth, but your soul is, even that of the one who hurts you and humbles you. Have patience my earthly brethren, for it is the virtue of the strongest in the earth and will lead you to the light of our Father … I am Emmanuel.

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